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Show History Command (Tools Menu)

See Also

Command Remarks

Shows the history of a file or project.

Every file or project in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted keeps a detailed record of its history. The Show History command enables you to view the historical information of all past versions of a file or project. Also, you can perform most Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted commands such as Get, Diff, Pin on a specific past version.

In Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted, history of a file can only be viewed by item. For a project, the history can be viewed either by item or version.

Access Rights

You must have Read access right to use this command.

History Option Dialog Box Items

General Tab

Shows the name and path of the selected file or project, and for a project, allows you to define the history view (by item or by version).

Dates Tab

Allows you to set options to filter the history by dates.

Users Tab

Allows you to set options to filter the history by users.

Filenames Tab

Allows you to set options to filter the history by filenames.

Actions Tab

Allows you to set options to filter the history by actions.

Comments Tab

Allows you to set options to filter the history by item comments.

Sort Tab

Allows you to specify the column by which history is sorted.